Norfolk reusable rain off : Assignment 3

2 Mar

The Share able Future of Cities

18 Feb
  • How many people does Steffen estimate we will have living in or near cities by mid-century?
  • About 8 billion people or even more.
  • Explain how you agree or disagree with Steffen’s point that our energy use is “predestined” rather than “behavioral”
  • I agree with Steffen’s point that our energy is predestined because there are only so many ways to travel.  Therefore most of our transportation works on either gasoline/oil or coal.  Until there is some kind of new found alternative than our energy use is predestined.  
  • .
  • What correlation does Steffen make between a city’s density and its climate emissions?
  • Denser places have lower emissions.  
  • What are the “eco districts” that Steffen mentions? How you see these as feasible or unfeasible in a city like Norfolk?
  • Eco districts are whole new sustainable neighborhoods.  I think it could be feasible in a city like Norfolk but as Steffen says just an average amount.  An average density where we don’t drive as much.  This of course would have to be a community commitment but I think cutting down on some things wouldn’t be too hard.  
  • Explain how you agree or disagree with the “threshold effect” that Steffen discusses related to transportation.
  • I agree with Steffen’s “threshold effect” however for this to occur I think cities would have to be a lot smaller.  I disagree with him where he says that people will give up their cars all together.  I don’t ever see that ever happening just on the fact that there might be an emergency and the people would want to leave in a hurry if need to.  
  • What does Steffen mean by the idea that, “…even space itself is turning into a service…”? Can you provide any examples that you see here in Norfolk or elsewhere?
  • I agree again that we are putting more things to use that we use to.  Steffen brings up the example of empty rooms or spaces that were not used before.  Basically he is saying that we can use a lot of the things we have already built and use them for other things as well maybe to cut down on other things in society.  I haven’t lived in Norfolk for very long but for instance back in New Jersey I know there is a few places like closed buildings or businesses and people are re-opening and putting them to other use like maybe a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter.
  • Describe your understanding of Steffen’s argument that, “…it’s not about the leaves above, but the systems below…”.
  • He explains that it has to do more than just look good or appear to be environmental friendly.  For instance he asks if they capture rainwater so we can reduce water use or do they connect us back to the ecosystems around us.  Steffen wants to make sure that these new building projects have something to offer back to the environment.   
  • Finally, overall in what way(s) do you see Steffen’s ideas working / not working here in Norfolk? Spend time with this question!

  • I see Steffen’s ideas being able to work in some places in Norfolk.  For instance if we had buildings that could capture rainwater so we could reduce water usage.  I think tha is very possible and beneficial to Norfolk especially because it rains so much.  However some of Steffen’s views I think would be hard to be able to use in Norfolk’s city like the cutting down on car usage.  It would be very difficult because Norfolk is a busy place and people hate giving up material possessions.  In conclusion I think if we took bits and pieces from Steffen’s ideas than we could definitely make an impact on Norfolk in a positive way.  

Rob Deutsch: Individual Problem Analysis Statement and Research

5 Feb

Rob Deutsch

Individual problem analysis statement: Many college students find it difficult to stay active and to eat right during their time at school.  However, between doing school work and remaining social, it can become very easy for a college student to put on weight fairly quickly.  My goal for our group is to not only find a way that will help college students remain healthy but to also inform them about better alternatives as well.  Exercising on a daily basis and creating a healthier eating habit is a main objective to accomplish as well.


1) The college student’s guide to staying fit

In this article the author talks about alternatives and ways to stay healthy while being in college.  For example, she recommends to get to know the gym, join a sports team, consider a fitness class, prepare healthy meals at home, and drinking responsibly.  The author also has facts through out the article like this one: “exercising can actually help boost your memory and enhance your ability to retain information. It will also help combat stress during high-pressure end-of-term weeks.”

2) Ways to stay fit in college

This article more or less lists a way to stay healthy and then explain it in more detail.  They have listed: fitness ball, dining hall substitutions, run around campus, and fitness classes.

3) Healthy living on campus: how college students can stay fit

In this article, the authors talk about staying healthy not only from a physical aspect but a mental one as well.  They urge to get enough sleep, not to procrastinate, and not to be too hard on yourself.  I think its a great article that attacks the problem from different views.

Abstract 1: Technology Overview and Impact Abstract

22 Jan

Protecting America: The Top 10 Priorities

Begley, S.  2001.  Protecting America: The Top 10 Priorities.  Newsweek (5 November): 26-40.

After the twin towers fell the American public became skeptic of the US government and they were not sure if the government was hiding knowledge to prevent public panic or if the government just didn’t know the answer to things.  After 9-11, anthrax began traveling through the mail endangering millions of American lives. However, the government announced that anthrax spores cannot leak out of a sealed envelope and even if it did, it would not have the quantity to kill someone.  Sooner than later, two workers in a US postal service center died from anthrax inhalation and more anthrax laced envelopes showed up at the Supreme Court, the State Department, and even the CIA.  Finally Postmaster General John Potter declared that: “There are no guarantees that the mail is safe.”    Bush’s administration was ambushed with questions regarding the safety of American lives and what the administration was going to do to prevent it.  Ridge (Director of Homeland Security) answered back by telling the public that even if the terrorists were experts in bacteriology that it is very unlikely that the terrorists would know anything about how the US mail is handled.  Nevertheless 43 percent of Americans thought that the administration was giving them reliable information.  With Americans feeling uneasy about opening the mail, the US government had to figure out a way to investigate mail at a fast pace while not going through individuals mail to avoid a federal crime.

I thought that this article was very interesting in more than one ways.  It showed the pressure that the American public put on the Bush administration for answers and showed the fear of Americans of opening their own mail.  It also shows the importance of technology.  The US had to formulate a way to scan or find a way if mail had traces of anthrax.  The government then also had to find a way how to figure out who was doing this and how they were able to get a hold of this dangerous substance.  Here is a video I found interesting on YouTube about anthrax in the mail involving a rogue scientist:

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18 Jan

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